Sunshine and daffodils are so good for the soul, wouldn't you agree? I couldn't be happier that spring is finally here!! The days are finally getting longer, the temps are finally staying warmer and all around us things are waking back up to life! After what feels like an extra long winter, I am so looking forward to a new season … [Read more...]
Spring Has Sprung
Last week I finally decided to pull the plug on winter. A declaration of independence from an eternal cold and snowy season that has seemed to never end. All the winter decor - including the infamous hot cocoa bar that has stayed up now in my home for 4 straight months - finally came down. Everything was packed away until next season and the house … [Read more...]
As the great Ella Fitzgerald sang, "Summertime, and the livin' is easy...." It's been a good summer here for us so far. We've enjoyed our share of hot weather, swimming, sleeping in late and enjoying down time. I don't really plan a whole lot of big projects around the house for the summer months, because we basically live outside. But we … [Read more...]
Blooms from the Outside-In!
Hello Friends! Hope you all had a nice Mother's Day on Sunday and got some much-needed pampering and R 'n R. Sometimes I think us mothers should unite and demand a whole week of celebration instead of just one day, am I right? I enjoyed spending the day with my family and eating some delicious pie from the Norske Nook. Remember when I told you … [Read more...]