Sunshine and daffodils are so good for the soul, wouldn't you agree? I couldn't be happier that spring is finally here!! The days are finally getting longer, the temps are finally staying warmer and all around us things are waking back up to life! After what feels like an extra long winter, I am so looking forward to a new season … [Read more...]
Spring is in the Air…Finally!
Hi there stranger. I know, its been a while. I needed a bit of a break from the constant pull that blogging tends to demand. Don't get me wrong, I love sharing snapshots of my life through this little window, but there's still nothing quite like just living in the moment. Not having to have your house camera-ready and just enjoying down … [Read more...]
Ideas for Adding A Fresh Look to Your Home for Spring
I think it's safe to say, spring has sprung 'round these parts. I even saw a robin in my backyard this week which is definitely a sure sign of springtime! A few weeks ago, I couldn't take anymore of the cold and snow...down came the winter decorations I had enjoyed in my home so much after Christmas, and up came the springtime & Easter … [Read more...]