Earlier this summer, when I gave my family room a bit of a refresh by moving around some furniture, it sort of set off a chain reaction.
It’s very much like the domino effect.
You can’t just move one thing around and not have it impact all the other rooms simultaneously.
It just does.
So when I took the bookcases out of my office, it made me realize that this room was going to be next on the chopping block.
It had too many pieces of furniture and it needed a new arrangement. It’s really not a big space to begin with, and yet there are a lot of different ways in which this room needs to function…
Music room. Insert large piano & other instruments.
Craft room. Add in a storage cabinet.
And Home Office. AKA blogging central.
Which reminds me of a story. *Caution: rabbit trail ahead!
I fell in love with my office desk while I was on a trip visiting my husband’s family in Minnesota a few years ago.
It was for sale in one of my favorite shabby, vintage shops that I love to stop by when we are in town. The only problem was, we live 6 hours away.
Did that stop me? Nah…
Still bought it.
And a few months later we went back to visit and came home with a ginormous desk shoved in the back of a car.
True story.
But in my defense, it’s a pretty gosh darn amazing desk.
It used to be an old banker’s desk, so its got lots of great storage and a huge surface space to spread out and work when I am writing or crafting.
Yep, great desk.
*Ok, end of rabbit trail.
So, this office got a bit of a “smallish” refresh. A few little changes have made a world of difference.
I pulled my desk out away from the wall and positioned it behind the gallery wall.
My sister in law suggested centering a rug underneath the desk to better anchor the room. Genius! I moved the rug that used to be in our living room over here instead.
This vintage green chair has found its way in here too. I was initially going to try painting the fabric, but the greenish blue color is kind of growing on me.
It even found its way into some recent photos I had taken for the blog!
I love using these clipboards for easily changing up artwork or calendars. I am still debating if I would like to install some floating shelves along the top of the wall for additional storage.
The craft supplies I most frequently use are stored in here for easy access. Along with a spot for the trusty Cricut.
I’m not sure this room really has a theme per say, but I definitely have incorporated a lot of my love for music in here.
I made the wreath above my piano out of vintage sheet music and it’s probably one of my favorite creations. I love collecting old music books and up-cycling them in this way.
And I recently found this pretty silver violin at an antique shop that used to be a crumb catcher. My daughter who plays violin is using it to hold her rosin inside.
This vintage record player was given to me by my husband’s family, and it still works! I love playing old LPs on it from time to time.
Another cool item that my husband gave me as a gift (he made it!) is this vintage record clock.
I have some other favorite vintage items in here too like an old camera, phone and typewriter.
So that’s a quick tour of my office/music room/crafting space.
I’m hoping that this room will begin to function a little better now that it has a new flow. It may be small, but every last square inch of this room really has a purpose.
And in case you may be wishing you had any of the cool music items I showed you today, I actually make and sell both the vintage sheet music wreaths and the record clocks at No Place Like Home in Oconomowoc, WI and Francie’s Frivolous Frippery in Lake Mills, WI.
With Christmas right around the corner, these make AWESOME unique gifts for the music lover. Feel free to contact me here for inquires on any special orders.
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