Can you believe it’s already the end of April and next week it’ll be May already? Just where has this spring gone? I can almost see the end of the school year fast approaching and that wonderful season of summer almost here. I’m super excited for next month because I have been working on a whole new series on one of my favorite topics — Mason Jars! Every week in May I will be showcasing a new project featuring mason jars and I hope you’ll love them as much as I do.
This post is a tricky one to write. For me, it’s tricky because I want to be honest with my readers, but yet, I’m a little embarrassed to let you all in on a little secret….my house is starting to itch.
You know that expression referred to as the 7-year itch? Usually it refers to 7 years into a relationship when you start to get the “itch” to move on. It was even made into a movie in 1955 by the same name starring Marilyn Monroe – the one where her infamous wind-blown white skirt made its first debut.
But in my case, this 7 year itch is related to my house. The one in which we’ve now been living in for 7 years, going on 8.
I remember when we first built this house, I was head over heels in love with it. We had a 2 year old, I was pregnant with our second child and I had more square footage than I knew what to do with. Fast forward to today and we’ve got a bit of a different story. Either my house is shrinking or I’ve just got a rather endless amount of stuff finding its way through the front door.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t thank God above for the roof over my head and the blessing that our home truly is. This is not a matter of gratefulness. This is a matter of itch. An itch that I haven’t quite figured out how to scratch just yet.
I’m not certain if it’s an itch that’s telling me it’s time to pack up and move to a new house….or just an itch telling me to pack up some STUFF and move IT outta here!! Or it could be an itch telling me to totally start re-thinking the spaces in my home and how I’ve been using them.
I’m pretty good at doing that actually. Several of the rooms in our home have “functioned” as more than one purpose over the years. An office that used to be a playroom, a playroom that used to be a dining room, a rec room that used to be a yucky basement. But there’s really only so much room-shifting you can do in a home before you realize you just can’t do much more than meets the eye.
But in the meantime, I’ve often found that if I can’t re-invent the wheel, I can still re-design it. And this is another area I tend to excel in. Most of the rooms in my house have been painted more than one color over the years.
When we first built our home, every single room in the entire house was white. Stark builder-grade white. It literally was screaming for some color! Like a blank canvas beckoning to the brush.
Back then I really loved warm tones. I painted our dining room a dark burgundy red, our den a warm Arizona rust, and our master bathroom brown. Yup. You read that right, brown.
Through the years those rooms – and those colors – have all changed…except for that master bathroom. Why did I keep the brown around for so long? Beats me. But trust me, its been long overdue for a change.
When the itch starts to itch, you gotta scratch it. My hubby and I decided it was time. Our master bedroom and bathroom are some of the last rooms in our home of 7 years that have yet to be redone. And they just got scratched big time.
I’m excited to show you the end result, but it’s still currently a work in progress. Actual it’s more like a tornado disaster in progress. I will sleep a whole lot better at night when this project is finished. And we’re almost there. Can’t wait to show you the progress in before and after pictures!
Until then, I will leave you with this quote from one of my favorite bloggers, Melissa Michaels, “A well-loved home will always be a bit of a beautiful mess.” I just recently finished reading her book, Love the Home You Have, which I would highly recommend if you are prone to an itchy house like mine. I loved taking her 31-day Love Your Home Challenge which is included at the end of the book. It really inspired me.
Oh my goodness! It’s always fun to see what you’re up to next….Love helping when I can and really love seeing and reading about the end results! You two always keep it interesting !!