It’s been a long time since we tackled a project around the house. And even longer since the last time I mentioned shiplap here on the blog. Six years ago to be exact, we dove head first into the shiplap craze when we DIY’d a main focal wall in our living room. We still love the look and for about a year now I’ve been wanting to carry it into some of the other main areas of our home.
Our main floor half bathroom has remained the one room we haven’t really done any updating to since we built our home 11 years ago. It was due for a refresh, and with my husband recently taking some vacation, we decided now would be a good time to tackle the project.
I had a good idea in my head what look I was going for. I love all things vintage/farmhouse, so that was definitely the vibe that inspired this bathroom makeover.
Our method of shiplap remained the same as the last time. You can read all about how we did that process here, but it basically involves using 1/4″ plywood flooring underlayment that is cut down into 8″ boards. It’s literally a fraction of the cost of “real” shiplap boards, goes up quickly with a nail gun and looks amazing once painted white.
I wanted this all over the bathroom walls and we only had a little bit of wood leftover from our former shiplapping. We ran into a slight problem when we went to Home Depot and the large cutting saw was out of order. Had to wait a couple of extra days for it to be repaired, so we could return and get the remaining wood for the project.
I love how clean and bright this room is now. I don’t have a before picture to show you, but the bathroom was basically a light beige color with a very dated globe light fixture and flat wall mirror, which were standard builder grade features in the early 2000’s.
We started with painting our vanity black, covering up the scuffed, brown base color.
And then added some pretty little glass pull knobs.
This new round wood mirror I found at Hobby Lobby and it’s from The Spring Shop line. Love that it was also 40% off at the time we purchased it, making it a great deal!
The light fixture is from Menards. I wanted something that looked vintage, and these white glass globe shades against the oil-rubbed bronze have that feel.
As for accessories, I went vintage…again. Spent the afternoon at the antique mall and found these great farmhouse inspired vintage art frames.
I’m pretty sure the guy in the shop thought I was nuts because I was wandering around looking at everything for over an hour, all to find 2 photos that would go well together. He laughed when I finally checked out and had successfully hunted and pecked for just the right match.
I found a pair of vintage porcelain hot and cold bathroom fixture knobs on Ebay and those also made their way into the decor.
They compliment the adorable hand towels with coordinating hot and cold knobs – found at Target.
The vintage green towels and bathmat are also from Target, from their new Spring Citrine bath line.
This was a long overdue bathroom upgrade that we now absolutely love the look of! We keep saying we wish we would have done it way sooner, because it makes a huge impression even though it’s such a small space. The reality is this bathroom probably gets used the most in our home, with it being on the main floor, so it’s especially pretty for guests (and us) to now enjoy more.
Have you ever tried your hand at shiplap in your own home? It’s one trend that seems to be sticking around as a timeless, clean look that still screams Chip & Joanna. And if shiplapping is wrong, then honey, I don’t want to be right.
Very well done! And I love that you knew exactly what you wanted!Shiplap!
I can see that you put alot of heart into each item you choose to display in this darling refreshed bathroom.
Thanks, Lisa! It was a project I had been wanting to do for about a year, so it definitely gave me a lot of time to prep/plan exactly what I envisioned.