I know I don’t often write regarding my own personal faith here on the blog, but today I’d like to venture off a different path and discuss…well, just that. With a name like Have a Little Faith Blog, it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to you that my faith is pretty important to me.
The section of my blog entitled, Keep the Faith, allows me to share tidbits of my faith with you and this is one such tidbit. If you’re interested in reading more about my faith journey in life, you can read part of my testimony here.
Augustine once said that, “Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.”
But this is not something easily accomplished. For some, their faith may never be shaken in their lifetime, but for others, the task of remaining faithful can be quite the uphill battle.
I used to think I was the first sort of person. But lately, God has been at work in my life, stirring things up inside this “perfect little world” I’ve tried to create and challenging me to think outside my comfort zone.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing either – I’d like to point out. One cannot expect to grow if change does not come. And God is good at shaping and molding through the painful things we must sometimes encounter in this world.
I listened to an excellent message at church on Sunday about what it really means to live out a life of faith. I was reminded that living by faith in this world will, by all means, attract opposition.
But in order to run a life of faith well, we must throw off all hindrances. For some, this may be certain relationships, fascination with social media, addictions to drugs or alcohol, etc. Regardless of what that hindrance may be, scripture clearly indicates that we need to, “get rid of the sin that easily entangles you.” (Hebrews 12:1)
Not only does it encourage us to throw off these hindrances, but we also need to, “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2)
When hardship comes are we quick to run to a distraction, or are we swift to fall into the arms of Jesus?
Seeking God’s guidance and purpose for my life is the best solution when troubles try to throw my faith off-balance. Even when I stumble and fall, again and again, God can still use all my stupidity and hurt to make me what I am destined to be.
You better believe I’m grateful for a God who loves me for the beautiful mess that I am!
Who patiently waits alongside my faith journey in life.
Who makes certain I don’t give up and that I keep my eye on the prize.
I’d like to share with you a prayer, from a book I’ve been reading, Univited, by Lysa TerKeurst. I hope it meets you where you are today and helps you along your own faith journey. #keepthefaith
Lord, You are teaching me so much about trusting You. Fully. Completely. Without suggestions or projections I’m choosing to embrace the very next thing You show me. I’ll take this first step. And then I’ll take the next.
I finally understand I don’t have to fully understand each thing that happens for me to trust You. I don’t have to try and figure it out, control it, or even like it, for that matter. In the midst of uncertainties, I will just stand and say, “I trust You, Lord.”
I visualize me taking my fear of rejection from my incapable clutches and placing my trust in Your full capability. And as I do, I make this all less about me and more about You. I replace my fragile efforts to control with Your fortified realities.
You are the perfect match for my every need.
I am weak. You are strength.
I am unable. You are capability.
I am hesitant. You are assurance.
I am desperate. You are fulfillment.
I am confused. You are confidence.
I am tired. You are rejuvenation.
Though the long path is uncertain, You are so faithful to shed just enough light for me to see the very next step. I now understand this isn’t You being mysterious. This is a great demonstration of Your mercy.
Too much revelation and I’d pridefully run ahead of You. Too little and I’d be paralyzed with fear.
So, I’m seeking slivers of light in Your Truth just for today and filling the gaps of my unknown with trust.
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